Начало / Университетът / Факултети / Стопански факултет / Катедри и Академичен състав / Катедри / Икономика / Преподаватели - Катедра Икономика / Проф. д-р Теодор Седларски / НОВО от проф. д-р Теодор Седларски / Курс на тема "Sustainable Development and National Strategies" при Dr. Dina Barbian, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (Germany) - март и април 2014




Избираем курс за всички студенти от бакалавърските програми (I-IV курс) - 2 кредита




Dr. Dina Barbian (webpage)


Sustainable Development and National Strategies - Dr. Dina Barbian,
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (Germany)


This workshop is divided into two parts: the first part is from 4th to 7th of March 2014, and the second is from 14th to 17th of April 2014.

Course material consists of the Lecture Notes provided to the students some weeks before the workshop starts, as well as a detailed list of the structure and the contents for the project presentation.


Dear students,
For those who couldn't attend the first part of the workshop in March
2014 please let me know whether you are interested in presenting a case
study in April 2014. In this case let me know when you intend to make
your oral presentation. In the attached document for the presentation
schedule you will be able to see the free time slots. Write me an email
(dina.barbian@fau.de) with your time preferencies and your chosen
country. Don't forget to prepare a written summary.
For those already registered in the list please let me know your chosen
country by 7th April at the latest.
Thank you and see you in April.
Best wishes
Dina Barbian



Разпис на часовете при Dr. Dina Barbian:

04 март /вторник/, 13.00 -16.00, зала 300

05 март /сряда/, 13.00 -16.00, зала 300

06 март /четвъртък/, 13.00 -16.00, зала 300

07 март /петък/, 14.00-17.00, зала 300

14 април /понеделник/, 12.00 -15.00, зала 300

15 април /вторник/, 13.00 -16.00, зала 300

16 април /сряда/, 13.00 -16.00, зала 300

(17 април /четвъртък/,13.00 -16.00, зала 300)


Electronic course materials: Sustainable Development and National Strategies (e-learn)