Saarland University will soon be hosting an international sustainability workshop from Monday, 3. April 2023 to Friday, 07. April 2023 (3rd and 7th April as dates for arrival and departure).
The workshop intends to cover multiple fields of sustainability in the academic environment and student's engagement: Our goal is not only to learn new things about sustainability and its role in different countries but also to discover how sustainability can be incorporated in academic structures. At the end of the seminar, a common project will be developed together with the students to create a tool for international communication, cooperation and exchange to enhance university's footprint.
What will await the participants?
A lot of international exchange! Since climate change affects every country in the world, international cooperation and communication within the young generation are now needed more than ever. Throughout various workshops we will explore together as students how sustainability can be realised on a micro- and a macro level. Accommodation and travelling expenses will be financed by Transform4Europe. Accommodation in Saarbrücken will be organised by the student group “La Page Verte – die grüne Seite” which collects printed paper to produce new college blocks (for further information visit our website lpvuds.workpress.com or our Instagram account @lapagevertesb).
Who can participate?
The project is targeted at curious and open-minded students from all field of studies that either already participate in a sustainable project at university or that already have a plan in mind and need help or more information to start. After all, we come together to learn from each other, to exchange ideas and inspire one another, so we don’t expect people to already be an expert in everything: Most importantly, the candidates must be motivated, open to exchange and willing to learn. The number of candidates per university is limited to two students, but we would highly recommend having a third candidate as a backup in case of an inability to come. The workshop will be entirely in English. It is therefore recommended that the participants have at least a B2 English level.
All applications are to be send to the responsible person at Saarland University: nachhaltigkeit@asta.uni-saarland.de.
Please send us the following information for your application: Name, date of birth, university, email address, field of study, motivation (max. ½ page)
Mutual exchange is very important for this project, and we would therefore recommend that the incoming students from your university meet before the departure to brainstorm about ways that their university (and country) already incorporates sustainability (and where changes might be needed).
If you need any more information or have questions, please contact nachhaltigkeit@asta.uni-saarland.de.