Гл. ас. д-р Бойко Амаров
email: amarov@feb.uni-sofia.bg
- 2008 – 2012 г. Freie Universität Berlin, научен сътрудник, Берлин, Германия.
- Теория на извадковите изследвания
- Селективност в пререкрутирани панел. Точност на оценките на нелинейни статистики в EU-SILC.
- 2000 – 2008 г. Freie Universität Berlin, магистър „Бизнес администрация“, Берлин, Германия.
- Статистика и иконометрия
- Счетоводство
- Финанси
- Икономическа теория
- 2004 – 2008 г. Freie Universität Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, бакалавър „Статистика“, Берлин, Германия.
- Теория на извадковите изследвания
- Непараметрични методи
- 1999 – 2000 г. Софийски университет „Св. Климент Охридски", бакалавър „Стопанско управление“, София, България.
Професионален опит
- Oт 2017 г. Асистент, Софийски университет „Св. Климнт Охридски“, София, България. Катедра „Статистика и иконометрия“, Стопански факултет към Софийски университет „Св. Климент Охридски“.
- 2012 – 2017 г. Консултантска дейност, София, България.
- Статистически анализ на данни
- 2018 – 2012 г. Научен сътрудник, Freie Universität Berlin, Берлин, Германия.
- Изследвания в областта на извадковите изследвания
- Приложно статистическо моделиране
- Програмиране в R и SAS
- 2006 г. Консултант, Centre for Digital Systems, Free University Berlin, Берлин, Германия.
- Thematic Network Project in the Area of Languages III (TNP 3)
- 2005 г. Консултант, Индустриална и търговска камара Берлин, Берлин, Германия.
- юли – септември 2004; юли – септември 2005 Стаж, Обединена Българска Банка, София, България.
- 2002 – 2005 г. Помощник преподавател, Freie Universität Berlin, Берлин, Германия.
- Курвосе по начална статистика и икономика.
- Статия Electronic Voting Machines and Turnout in the Bulgarian 2021 Parliamentary Elections: Societal Transformations and Sustainable Development with Respect to Environment in the Post COVID-19 Digital Era. First Annual Transform4Europe Ph.D. Conference, 8-9 December 2021, Sofia, Bulgaria: St. Kliment Ohridski University Press. 2023, pp. 41-48. Автори Amarov, B.
- Статия Usage of electronic public services in Bulgaria: Journal of International Business Research and Marketing, 7, pp. 36–41, 2023. Автори Amarov, B. and Netov, N.
- Статия Usage of electronic education services in Bulgaria: International Journal of Management Science and Business Administration, 9(2), pp. 30–36, 2023. Автори Amarov, B. and Netov, N.
- Статия Radiotherapy as a Treatment Option for Local Disease Control in Primary Cutaneous Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma, Leg Type: Dermatology. 2022. Автори Zehnder M., Amarov B., Abrunhosa-Branquinho A.N., Maiwald-Urosevic M., M ̈uhleisen B., Saulite I., Anzengruber F., Imhof L., Navarini A.A., Cozzio A., Dummer R., Dimitriou F., Guenova E.
- Статия Sensitivity and specificity of T-cell receptor PCR BIOMED-2 clonality analysis for the diagnosis of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. European Journal of Dermatology. 2020. Автори Anja Moczko, Florentia Dimitriou, Hanna Kresbach, Boyko Amarov, Wolfram Hoetzenecker,Steve Pascolo, Florian Anzengruber, Tabea Koch, Agathe Duda, Emmanuella Guenova
- Статия Selectivity of access panel recruitment and survey nonresponse in DE-SILC 2005-2009. In Engel, U., Jann, B., Lynn, P., Scherpenzeel, A. and Sturgis, P. (eds.), Improving Survey Methods: Lessons from recent research. Routlesge, Tylor & Francis Group. 2014. Автори Amarov, B., Rendtel, U.
- Статия IL-4 abrogates TH17 Cell-mediated Inflammation by Selective Silencing of IL-23 in Antigen-presenting Cells. Nature Communications, submitted 4.07.2014. Автори Hoetzenecker, W. et al.
- Статия Parental Anxiety and Concern for Children Undergoing Dermatological Surgery. Journal of Dermatological Treatment 06/2013. Автори Hoetzenecker, W., Guenova, E., Krug, M., Goetz, A., Amarov, B., Haefner, H. M., Breuninger, H.
- Статия The Recruitment of the Access Panel of German Official Statistics from a Large Survey in 2006: Empirical Results and Methodological Aspects. Survey Research Methods, 2013, Vol. 7, No. 2, 103–114 Автори Amarov, B., Rendtel, U.
- Статия Selectivity of Access Panel Recruitment, Survey Nonresponse and Estimation Strategies for the German Subsample of EU-SILC. Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Internet Survey Methods, Daejeon 7.–8. September 2011. Автори Amarov, B., Rendtel, U.
Научни конференции
- Презентация Usage of electronic education services in Bulgaria: 87th international scientific conference on economic and social development. September 14-18 2022. Svistov, Bulgaria. Автори Amarov, B. and Netoff, N.
- Презентация Usage of electronic public services in Bulgaria: 87th international scientific conference on economic and social development. September 14-18 2022. Svistov, Bulgaria. Автори Amarov, B. and Netoff, N.
- Презентация Electronic voting machines and turnout in the Bulgarian 2021 parliamentary elections: Societal transformations and sustainable development with respect to the environment in the post-COVID-19 digital era. 8th-9th December 2021. Автори Amarov, B.
- Adoption of electronic voting machines in the Bulgarian 2021 parliamentary elections: in The twenty-second Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Sofia University “St. Kliment Оhridski” annual conference: "Environmental, social and governance challenges for recovery and resilience", November 26-27, 2021, Sofia, Bulgaria. Автори Amarov, B.
- Презентация Multilevel modeling of invalid voting rates in the Bulgarian local elections 2015 and 2019: Applied modeling in economics, finance, and social sciences, June 28 – July 2, 2021. Sozopol, Bulgaria. Автори Amarov, B.
- Презентация The stability of self-selection patterns for the recruitment, EU-SILC Non-response and attrition of the Access Panel of Statistics Germany. 2005-2009, 2nd International PPSM Conference, Bremen, Germany. Автори Amarov, B. and Rendtel, U.
- Презентация Laeken poverty indicators estimation on the basis of DE-SILC. An Analysis of access panel recruitment, survey nonresponse and calibration strategies, Statistische Woche 2012, Vienna, Austria. Автори Amarov, B. and Rendtel, U.
- Презентация The stability of self-selection patterns for the recruitment, EU-SILC Non-response and attrition of the Access Panel of Statistics Germany. 2005-2009, 2nd International PPSM Conference, Bremen, Germany. Автори Amarov, B. and Rendtel, U.
- Презентация Selectivity of Access Panel Recruitment, Survey Nonresponse and Estimation Strategies for the German Subsample of EU-SILC. 2012. 3rd International Workshop on Internet Survey Methods, Daejeon, Korea. Автори Amarov, B. and Rendtel, U.
- Презентация Modelling the Probability for Item Nonresponse in Voluntary Response Questions in the Microcensus 2005. Poster Session, Small Area Estimation Conference SAE 2011. Автори Amarov, B. and Rendtel, U.
- Презентация Change in German Home-ownership Finance, Paper presented at ENHR conference 2005 – Reykjavik, Iceland, 2005 Автори Tomann, H., Amarov, B.
Други участия
- Участие The fade-away effect of initial nonresponse in panel surveys: Empirical results for EU-SILC. Eurostat: Methodologies and Working papers, 2013. ISSN 1977-0375., Bremen, Germany. Автори Rendtel, U.
- Участие The Access Panel of German Official Statistics as a Sampling Frame for Voluntary Household Survey, Q2010, Session 21 on Nonresponse in Helsinki (Finnland). Автори Rendtel, U.
- Участие DoE.base: Full factorials, orthogonal arrays and base utilities for DoE packages. R package version 0.26-1. Автори Groemping, U.
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