Начало / Университетът / Факултети / Стопански факултет / За студентите - Актуално / Стажове, стипендии и конкурси / Официална покана от Българската CFA Асоциация за организиране на ежегодното национално състезание по финансов и инвестиционен анализ - CFA Research Challenge 2017-2018





Българската CFA Асоциация официално покани Стопанския факултет на СУ да вземе участие в предстоящото CFA Institute Research Challenge 2017-2018

В първия кръг на състезанието ще бъде определен отбора - национален победител, който ще представи страната ни на регионалния кръг в Дъблин, Ирландия.

Стопанският факултет ще участва с два отбора, всеки от които съгласно правилата на асоциацията, може да се състои от 3 до 5 студента.

Ако искате да станете част от състезанието и да представите Стопанския факултет на националния кръг, изпратете вашата заявка на доц. Боряна Богданова (bpelova@gmail.com) и на ас. Божидар Недев (bozhidar.nedev@gmail.com) до 09.11.2016 г. (четвъртък).

Повече информация за форматът на състезанието може да получите от официалната покана, копирана по-долу:

„[…] The Research Challenge is a competition in which student teams from leading business universities in Bulgaria prepare an equity research report on an assigned publicly-traded company and present their findings to a panel of investment industry experts. CFA Society Bulgaria will provide full sponsorship in the form of air travel and hotel accommodations to the winning team to participate and compete in the EMEA Regional Final that will be held on 4-5 April 2018 in Dublin, Ireland, and then eventually in the Global Final to take place on 20 April 2018 in Seoul, Korea.


This annual educational initiative is designed to promote best practices in research among the next generation of analysts through hands-on mentoring and intensive training in company analysis. It is intended to complement university curriculum by simulating the real world experience of an equity analyst.


The Challenge spans November 2017 – February 2018 and consists of the following components:

  • Analysis of a publicly-traded company (listed on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange) […];
  • Mentoring by a professional research analyst;
  • Composition of an equity research report; and
  • Presentation of the research outcome to a high-profile panel of experts (CFA charterholders).


Each university elects up to two teams of 3-5 members to represent it in the competition. […] Both graduate and undergraduate students are eligible. Students must be enrolled in the current term at the university at the time of the local Kickoff & Subject Company Meeting in Sofia. CFA Charterholders and students who have extensive prior work experience in fundamental company analysis are not eligible.

Each Research Challenge season leverages the efforts of over 140 CFA member societies, 3,500 member volunteers, and more than 5,000 students from over 1,000 universities. In 2016-2017 season CFA Institute Research Challenge in Bulgaria gained more than 70 students from 9 Bulgarian universities.


Additional information on the CFA Institute Research Challenge can be obtained at https://www.cfainstitute.org/community/challenge/Pages/index.aspx. [...]”