Начало / Университетът / Факултети / Стопански факултет / Научна дейност / Конференции, семинари и специализации / Mobility Opportunity for Students: Open Call for 22nd ASEF Summer University (ASEFSU22) on "Sustainable Tourism", Sept 2018, Croatia & Slovenia





The ASEF Summer University (ASEFSU) is a 2-week experiential learning journey and “Interdisciplinary Innovathon” where you can foster cross-cultural exchanges and networks with other youth from Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM)1 Partner countries.2 The project offers you the unique opportunity to deepen your knowledge on contemporary issues and propose concrete solutions to societal challenges.

ASEFSU takes place annually, each year tackling a different theme of socio-political concern within Asia and Europe. By participating in ASEFSU you develop tangible results and daring proposals to pressing societal affairs, and, hence, make a positive impact within ASEM societies!



  • Provides you with a vibrant platform to engage and collaborate with students and young professionals from 51 Asian and European countries and local ASEM communities.
  • Gives you the opportunity to experience an innovative fuse of theoretical and practical programme components, including an Interdisciplinary Innovathon and competition.
  • Offers you a venue to propose new perspectives and solutions on pressing societal issues, practically contributing to the ASEM process, National Agendas, the UN SDGs and society at large.



The 22nd ASEF Summer University (ASEFSU22) will take place from 12 – 23 September 2018 in Croatia & Slovenia on the topic of Sustainable Tourism & Green Economies. Read here the ASEFSU22 Concept Note

– a detailed introduction to the core themes of the project.


22nd ASEF Summer University (ASEFSU22)

Sustainable Tourism: Youth Driving Green Growth” 12 – 23 September 2018, Croatia & Slovenia (pdf)








Join the sustainability innovathon in Croatia & Slovenia!