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The upcoming public PhD thesis defense will take place on June 27, 2024 at 13:00 pm in the Conference Hall of the FMI.

PhD thesis defense of Panagiotis Konstantinos Anagnostou on "Evaluation of the effectiveness of the remote online learning based on the perceptions of learners and trainers " for awarding the educational and science degree "Doctor" in the professional field 1.3. Pedagogy of the education in…", doctoral program "Teaching Methodology of Mathematics and Informatics”.


Scientific supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Nikolina Ilieva Nikolova, PhD


Chairperson of the scientific panel: Assoc. Prof. Irina Zdravkova Voutova, PhD - Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”


Abstract of Panagiotis Konstantinos Anagnostou


Statement reports:


Published: 11 June 2024