Home / The University / Procedures for science degrees and academic positions / Procedures for acquiring Science Degrees / Procedures for acquiring the educational and science degree “Doctor” / Archive / Francheska Ivanova Zemyarska, Faculty of Slavic Studies

Hall 1 – Rectorate


Defense of a doctoral dissertation on the topic: “Mask and Gender in the Work of Marguerite Yourcenar: Staging the Voice” for acquiring the educational and scientific degree "Doctor" in professional field 2.1. Philology (Literature of the nations of Europe, America, Asia, Africa and Australia – Literature of Western Europe) by Francheska Ivanova Zemyarska. Doctoral student at the Department of Theory of Literature.


Scientific supervisor: Prof. Miglena Nikolchina, PhD

Chairperson of the Scientific jury: Prof. Kalin Mihaylov, PhD





