31 May 2024 14:00
4 blok, hall 307, bul. Tcarigradsko Shose 125
Public defense of a dissertation thesis for acquiring the educational and scientific degree Doctor (PhD) - Bianka Borislavova Bogoevska in Professional Field 3.3. Political Science ( Political Science - Comparative Political Science)
Dissertation topic: "Judicial and parliamentary accountability of the executive power in countering terrorism in Bulgaria, the United Kingdom and Germany in the period 2009-2020.”
Chairman of the Scientific Jury: Prof. Tatyana Aleksandrova Dronzina, DSc,
- Assoc. Prof Dimitar Milchev Vatsov, PhD
- Prof. Tatyana Aleksandrova Dronzina, DSc
- Prof. Ekaterina Ivanova Mihaylova, PhD