Home / The University / Faculties / Faculty of Philosophy / Degree Programmes / Master's Degree Programmes / Faculty of Philosophy / Library and Information Studies / Library and Information Technology


Educational objectives:

The Library and Information Technologies (LIT) MA Program aims to help students to:

  • Become familiar with the variety of documents and the analytical techniques for processing documentary information;
  • Acquire the skills for the effective use of the existing information infrastructure;
  • Acquire knowledge required for the appraisal of information resources;
  • Мaster the use of the technologies used for the creation, classification, storage and distribution of information (traditional, digital, local, networked);
  • Recognize the models and methods of information servicing;
  • Become familiar with the institutions related to the preservation, storage and distribution of written cultural-historic heritage;


The LIT MA Program’s learning plan has been developed in accordance with contemporary national and international requirements in the professional field. The MA Program is focused on providing knowledge in the fields of: library studies, bibliography, information management, information and communication technologies (ICT), history of communication tools, museology, cultural policies and cultural institution management. The curriculum is organized in modules, which aim to provide balance between the knowledge and skills that are required to fulfil the educational objectives above.

Professional Skills

Students will acquire professional competencies related to: supporting and developing library activities, creating and supporting systems for the assessment and analysis of databases and information arrays, managing information resources, applying contemporary technologies in the field of information servicees, planning and creating information products, cooperating with various cultural institutions. Students will, also acquire the leadership skills required for the organization of activities in the so called “intelligent organizations”, as well as research skills related to the phenomena and processes typical for the information sector.

Careers and employability

Students who successfully complete the MA program are prepared to work in:

  • Libraries – public, scientific, school and academic, as well as specialist libraries;
  • Information centers in various institutions and organizations with research, development, broker or distributer functions;
  • Publishers’ and editorials’ offices of mass communication outlets;
  • Centers providing informational services and international information exchange;
  • Organizations which participate in the distribution and trade of information resources;