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M.A. Program: International Security


Law School, International Relations Department, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridsky”


Duration: - 3 semesters for B. A./M. A. graduates in International Relations, Law, International Economic Relations, High Military Schools/Academies, Police Academies; - 4 semesters for other B. A. graduates.

Form of Education: - regular.

Language of Education: - Bulgarian; English – if the selection of candidates has led to forming a group of 6 (minimum) students.

Program Leader: - Prof. Dr. Plamen Pantev, Tel. +359 2 846 5173, e-mail address: plamen.pantev@abv.bg


Aims: - To raise the level of qualification of the candidates. The first semester for ‘non-specialists’ (the students who would have duration of study for 4 semesters) is devoted to general courses in: International Relations Theories; History of International Relations; International Public Law; Foreign Policy Theories; International Private Law.

Contents: - Both groups – 3 and 4 semester students, cover the same courses in the specializing subjects. Four subjects are obligatory to be elected by the students. The courses provide actualized theoretic knowledge about the traditional and modern security threats and the adequate policies of coping with them – at the national, regional and global levels, including the institutions and legal norms of realizing such policies. The students prepare their M.A. thesis during the last semester of education under the academic advice of highly qualified scholars. The defense of the thesis is carried out at an examination commission, appointed by the Rector of the University.

Subjects: - Obligatory: Introduction to Theoretic Issues in Security; Balkan and Black Sea Security; International Conflicts of the Modern World; Problems of Islamic Radicalism; International Terrorism and the Fight Against It; International Legal Instruments of Fighting Terrorism; Defense Policy; NATO and Its Transformation; European Security and Defense Policy; The Reform of the UNO and OSCE; Democratic Control of the Security Sector; Intelligence and Counter-Intelligence; International Prosecution; Ecology and Security; International Jurisdiction; International Negotiations on Security Issues. Elective: Countering Organized Criminality; Illegal Financing (Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism); International Criminal Procedure; Introduction to Military Strategy; Rhetoric and Non-verbal Forms of Communication; Legal Regime of International Organizations; International Ecological Law; International Legal Aspects of Intellectual Property; Legal Regime of International Investments.

Practical Realization: - The M. A. graduates in International Security can work in national and international governmental and non-governmental institutions, as well as in the private sector and the media.


/3 semesters/


Courses Lectur./Cred
Obligatory Courses
Introduction to theoretical security problems 15/1
Balkan and Black sea Security 60/5
International Conflicts in the Modern World 30/3
Problems of Islamic Radicalism 30/3
International Terrorism and the Fight Against it 45/4
International-legal Resources in the Fight Against Terrorism 30/3
Defence Policy 30/3
NATO and its Transformation 30/3
European policy on Security and Defence 45/4
Reforms in the UN and OSCE 30/3
Democratic Control over the Security Sector 45/4
Intelligence and Counterintelligence 30/3
International Investigation 30/3
Environment and Security 30/3
International Justice 30/3
International Negotiations on Security 45/4
English 180
Pre-graduate Project 100
Elective courses
Rhetoric and non-verbal means of Communication 30/2
International Criminal Procedure 30/2
Introduction to Military Strategy 30/2
Legal Status of International Organizations 30/2
International Environmental law 30/2
International Private-law Aspects of Intellectual Property 30/2
Legal Status of International Investment 30/2
Combating Organized Crime 30/3
Illegal Financing /Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism/ 30/3
Diplomatic Ceremonial and Protocol 30/2



/4 semesters/


Courses Lectures/Credits
Obligatory Courses
Theory of International Relations 90/8
Theory of Foreign Policy 60/5
History of International Relations 60/5
International Public Law 75/6
International Private Law 75/6
Introduction to Theoretical Security Problems 15/1
Balkan and Black Sea Security 60/5
International Conflicts In the Modern World 30/3
Problems of Islamic Radicalism 30/3
International Terrorism and the Fight Against It 45/4
International Resources and the Fight Against Terrorism 30/3
Defence Policy 30/3
NATO and its Transformation 30/3
European policy on Security and Defence 45/4
Reforms in the UN and OSCE 30/3
Democratic Control over the Security Sector 45/4
Intelligence and Counterintelligence 30/3
International Investigation 30/3
Environment and Security 30/3
International Justice 30/3
International Negotiations on Security 45/4
English 180
Pre-graduation Project 100
Rhetoric and non-verbal means of Communication 30/2
International criminal Procedure 30/2
Introduction to Military Strategy 30/2
Legal Status of International Organizations 30/2
International Environmental Law 30/2
International-legal Resources in the Fight Against Terrorism 30/2
Legal Status of International Investment 30/2
Combating Organized Crime 30/2
Illegal Financing /Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism/ 30/2
Diplomatic Ceremonial and Protocol 30/2