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Bulgarian higher educational institutions are open to all foreign citizens who have a diploma for completed secondary education that makes them eligible for higher education in the country in which they received their secondary education.

Foreign citizens can apply to study in higher educational institutions in the Republic of Bulgaria: 1. In implementation of intergovernmental agreements on educational, scientific and cultural exchange, under reciprocally agreed conditions 2. In accordance with Decrees of the Council of Ministers 3.Provided they pay the full tuition fee.

Foreign citizens can apply to study at Bulgarian schools of higher education under the terms and conditions regulating the admission of Bulgarian citizens to higher educational institutions in the Republic of Bulgaria, if: 1. They have permanent residence permit 2. They are treated as refugees 3. Are of Bulgarian nationality, certified in accordance with the Decree of the Council of Ministers No 103 of 1993 regulating the education of Bulgarian citizens abroad. Each year the Council of Ministers sets the number of students that can be admitted under the conditions of 3. above.

Decision of the Academic Council, endorsed on 20 June 2007 1. The admission to Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" of BA, MA and doctoral students, and specialising students who are citizens of countries members of the EU or who come from areas within the EU economic zone is regulated by the terms and conditions applicable to Bulgarian citizens in accordance with Art. 68, Para. 6 of the Higher Education Act. 2. Applicants who are citizens of countries members of the EU or who come from areas within the EU economic zone but do not meet the requirements for admission as articulated in Art. 68, Para. 6 of the Higher Education Act (i.e. applicants who do not sit for entrance examinations) shall pay a tuition fee to the amount of 3 300 Euro for the 2007/2008 academic year. The same fee is due for the preparatory language year for foreign applicants. 3. Foreign applicants who have not attended the preparatory language year at the Faculty of Bulgarian as a Foreign Language (FBFL) and the Department for Language Education must submit a certificate acknowledging that they have successfully taken the Standardized Test in Bulgarian Level B2.

Address: 1504 Sofia, 15 Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd.

Phone: (+359 2) 9308548 ( Sector “Foreign students),

9308526 ( Students’ sector of the Faculty of Education),

9308337 ( Secretary of the Faculty)

Fax: (+359 2) 8464085

International Students