Home / The University / Faculties / Faculty of Economics and Business Administration / SCHOLARNET Project / SCHOLARNET News / Summer school for master’s, PhD and postgraduate students focusing on an introduction to the dynamic stochastic general equilibrium modeling (DSGE) – part of the SCHOLARNET research capacity-building project




On the eve of its 120th anniversary, the Department of Economics at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", in cooperation with the University of Reading, United Kingdom, and with the financial support provided under the SCHOLARNET research capacity-building project, organised a summer school for master’s, PhD and postgraduate students focusing on an introduction to the dynamic stochastic general equilibrium modeling (DSGE), which took place on 8th and 9th September 2021.


The event is part of the planned activities within the SCHOLARNET project which is being implemented as part of the ‘International Research Network’ national research programme aimed at encouraging the integration of Bulgarian universities into the international research area and the further development of the successful partnerships which Sofia University has with leading research institutes.


Assoc. Prof. Alexander Mihailov from the University of Reading presented an interactive practice-oriented course on the use of modern methods for analysing and simulating macroeconomic processes on the basis of the New Keynesian theory and Dynare/Matlab. By participating in the discussion of the topics the young scholars expanded their knowledge in the field of quantitative economic analysis. Assoc. Prof. Mihailov, who started his academic career at FEBA, commented on the two main challenges facing young scholars today – on the one hand, the complexity, diversity and evolution of the world we live in which requires in-depth knowledge and constant updating of research topics, and, on the other hand – the need to look for financial support for young researchers in order to provide them with opportunities to realise their potential in a globalized environment.


‘It’s a confusing world. The numerous crises which we are witnessing are creating challenges for the economy’, the guest lecturer shared. The ecological balance, achieving an agreement between the rising economic powers and the traditional dominant economies, the ever-increasing gap between the rich and the poor, as well as the role of central banks, were among the topics discussed. The participants in the training received certificates.

For more information about the SCHOLARNET project, please visit www.scholarnet.eu and FEBA’s website.