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Ramona Raduyova and Spasen Tsenov, founders of Multispace, presented to the masters in “Facility Management” the new way of working, which is here to stay – Flex work/hybrid way of working.

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During the discussion with the students, the focus was on the returning of employees to offices, the possibility of remote work and the hybrid working model. The challenges faced by facility managers who must adapt to the new way of working, to look for opportunities for the company's employees who can work from anywhere – the office, at home, remote workplace, were discussed. This is where the Multispace platform comes in and allows employers and facility managers to give their employees the ability to work from anywhere.

The positives and negatives of flexible working and also how the Multispace platform brings added value to companies and facility managers, giving employees the opportunity to choose their own workplace, were discussed during the guest lecture.