In the week of March 13-17, the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (FEBA) and the Faculty of Physics of Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" welcomed an accreditation mission of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in connection with the upcoming opening of a joint master's program for management in the nuclear sector. The mission was led by Dr. John Roberts and involved representatives of IAEA-accredited programs – Prof. Dr. Attila Azsodi (Budapest University of Technology and Economics) and Prof. Dr. Radek Skoda (University of West Bohemia in Pilsen ).
On behalf of SU "St. Kliment Ohridski", the meetings were led by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Plamen Petkov from the Faculty of Physics, who is the project manager for the new master's program. The meetings were attended by the deans of the two faculties - Prof. Dr.Sci. Georgi Rainovski (Faculty of Physics) and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Atanas Georgiev (FEBA), as well as by vide-deans and leading lecturers of the disciplines from the future program.
The visit started with a working meeting at the Bulgarian Nuclear Regulatory Agency (NRA), where not only the representatives of Sofia University and NRA participated, but also a representative of the Ministry of Education and Science (MES). Issues related to the current level of education in Sofia University in the field of nuclear technology were discussed. One of the main objectives of the mission was to assess the possibilities for the Faculties of Physics and FEBA to be accredited to the International Nuclear Management Academy (INMA) of the IAEA with the new Master's program "Nuclear Technologies, Management and Innovation", which is being developed jointly by the two faculties at Sofia University.
The programs included in the INMA accreditation are aimed at current and future managers working in the nuclear sector as well as for non-energy applications. INMA is part of the nuclear knowledge management activities of the IAEA Department of Nuclear Energy.
In the following days of the visit, meetings were held with professors from both faculties and a visit was made to the Kozloduy NPP.