Home / The University / Faculties / Faculty of Economics and Business Administration / Faculty Members (Departments) / Departments / Statistics and Econometrics / Lecturers - Department of Statistics and Econometrics / Chief Assist. Prof. Teodora Varbanova, PhD




Chief Assist. Prof. Teodora Varbanova, PhD

e-mail: teodorav@feb.uni-sofia.bg


Chief Assistant Professor at the Department of Statistics and Econometrics from November, 2021. Defended her PhD in professional field 3.8 "Economics and Management (Industry) - Public Sector on the topic "Investment in new technologies in secondary education as an intervention tool aimed at increasing the effectiveness of the educational process" in 2018.



  • Technological innovation and new business models (in English) - lectures, bachelors
  • Information Technologies and Systems, I - exercises, Bachelors


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