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Prof. Anastassia Bankova, Ph.D.


Contact details: Room No. 324, Phone: +359 2 971 10 02 ext. 372; + 359 2 4229 324

E-mail: bankova@feb.uni-sofia.bg


Office hours: Tuesdays, 13-14 PM, Wednesday,11-12 AM


Courses taught: Management, Learning Organizations, Organization Theory, Human Resource Management, Business Planning and Control




Assoc. Professor of Business Administration


Teaching experience

Undergraduate courses: Management, HRM, Business Planning and Control

Graduate courses: Learning Organizations, Environmental Management


Research Interests

Learning Organizations and Organizational Design



1965-1970 TU-Sofia, Master’s in System Engineering

2002-2004 University of Amsterdam – Master’s EP in Education Management

1978 – PhD in Economics, Business Administration

1982 – Habilitation in Business Administration



Professional experience

1970 – 1992 Institute for Management in the Public and Private Sector

1982-1992 – Part-time Prof. at SU “St. Kl. Ohridski”

1992 – Assoc. Prof. at Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, SU



Publications (selected titles):

1. Бънкова, А. (2005). Управление на знанието в корпоративния ренженеринг – проблеми пред българските фирми, Конференция по съвременни управленски практики, том 1, с.41-50, Бургас (ISBN 954-9370-25-9)

(Bankova, A. (2005). The Knowledge Management in the Corporate Reengineering)

2. Бънкова, А. (2004). Организационната теория и проектирането на организации, ИПЗ на Техническия университет-София, филиал Пловдив (ISBN 954-8779-71-4)

(Bankova, A. (2004). Organization Theory and Organization Design)

3. Bankova, A. (2004).”La connaissance de la gouvernance et la “meilleure” gouvernance d’entreprise”, Colloque scientifique francophone “Pour une meilleure gouvernance d’entreprise”, 2-3 decembre 2004, Sofia, (под печат)

4. Bankova, А. (2004).Different Approaches to Organisational Efficiency and Effectiveness – Consequences for the Bulgarian Business in the EU enlargement process, International Conference „Rules and Regulation in the EU Enlargement Process“, Sofia, November, 2004, (под печат)

5. Бънкова А., Немските приноси в развитието на науката за управлението на организациите, Schriftenreihe „Germanicum-Bulgaricum“, Sofia und Baunschweig, 2001

(Bankova, A. (2001). The German Contributions to the Development of the Management Knowledge)

6. А.Бънкова, Основи на управлението. История на развитието на управленската мисъл., Учебник за дистанционно обучение, Регионален център за дистанционно обучение, С., 1999, 200 с.

(Bankova, A. (1999). History of Development of Mangerial Thouth)

7. А.Бънкова, Бизнес-планиране и контрол, Учебник за дистанционно обучение, Регионален център за дистанционно обучение, С., 1999, 205 с.

(Bankova, A. (1999). Business Planning and Control)

8. А.Бънкова, Управление на персонала, Национален център за дистанционно управление, София, 270 с., РЦДО, 1997

(Bankova, A. (1997). Personell Management)

9. А. Бънкова, Мениджмънт, АМАТ, С.,1993,250с.

(Bankova, A. (1993). Management)