The article "Transaction Costs in the Transformation of the Bulgarian Economy" by Senior Assist. Prof. Teodor Sedlarski (Department of Economics)
was published in the Economic Thought Journal ("Икономическа мисъл"), 2/2009, p.35-55
Home / The University / Faculties / Faculty of Economics and Business Administration / Current Scientific Activities / FEBA in the Economic Thought Journal, 2/2009
The article "Transaction Costs in the Transformation of the Bulgarian Economy" by Senior Assist. Prof. Teodor Sedlarski (Department of Economics)
was published in the Economic Thought Journal ("Икономическа мисъл"), 2/2009, p.35-55
Стопански Факултет (Т.С.)
07/07/2009 08:44 pm
Last modified: 06/20/2014 02:26 am