From the 28th till the 31st of May, 2018, the 4th Summer School organized within the Materials Networking project took place at the Max Plank Institute for Polymer Research (MPIP), Mainz, Germany. The School was attended by 19 researchers from the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, Sofia University, as well as by a number of researchers from the host institution, which is one of the partnering organizations within the project.
The event was organized by Dr. Kaloyan Koynov, project leader at MPIP and associate member of the Management Committee of the project, and Professor Hans-Juergen Butt, Head of the Physics at Interfaces Department and member of the Steering Committee of the project. Prof. Butt had the opening lecture of the school. Among the next lecturers were Prof. Katharina Landfester, Head of the Physical Chemistry of Polymers Department, Prof. Kurt Kremer, Head of the Polymer Theory Department, Prof. Paul Blom, Head of the Molecular Electronics Department.
Lectures were also delivered by Dr. Michael Kappl and Dr. Stephan Weber, both from the Physics at Interfaces Department; Dr. Denis Andrienko from the Polymer Theory Department; Prof. Martin Baumgarten, Dr. Grazia Gonella, and Dr. Ellen Backus, all from the Molecular Spectroscopy Department, as well as by Prof. Kazue Kurihara – a guest scientist from Tohoku University, Japan. Prof. Georgi Vayssilov informed the participants about the scope and the activities of the Materials Networking project.
The participants from the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, Sofia University also visited specialized laboratories at MPIP – NMR, FCS, ion-beam manipulation and cryo-TEM, AFM, SFG, and had multiple personal meetings to discuss research topics of common interest with their colleagues from the host institute.