| The 3rd School “Bio-materials: synthesis and characterization” of the H2020 project Materials Networking will take place at the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, Sofia University, Bulgaria on 21st and 22nd March 2018.
The School aims to provide the advanced as well as state of the art techniques, methods and applications in the broad area of bio-related systems and materials. The school is organized for researchers, young scientists and PhD students from the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy of Sofia University and the lectures will be given by experts from all partnering organizations of the project, namely Assoc. Prof. Ivanka Tsakovska – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences; Prof. Tobias Weidner, Dr. David Ng and Dr. Svenja Morsbach from Max Plank Institute for Polymer Research, Mainz, Germany; Dr. Sotiria Toumpaniary from the Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, University of Cambridge, UK; Prof. Ismael Diez Perez, Prof. Jordi Poater and Dr. Alba Nin-Hill from the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Barcelona, Spain.