Home / The University / Faculties / Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy / Education / Master's Degree Programmes / Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy / Major: Chemistry / Chemistry for the Future – in English


Program Director: Prof. Rositca Nikolova

Address: University of Sofia, Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy

1 James Bourchier Blvd., 1164 Sofia, Bulgaria

Telephone: ++35928161392; FAX 0035929625438

E-mail: rnikolova@chem.uni-sofia.bg


Length of Study: 2 Semesters

Form of study: Full-time


Admission requirements

Requirements for the candidates: to have completed higher education, Bachelor's degree in 4.2 Chemical Sciences or another BSc degree in which the main chemical courses (General and Inorganic Chemistry; Organic Chemistry, Physical chemistry, Analytical Chemistry or Instrumental Methods) are studied with at least of 5 credits each. More details on the admission procedure can be found in the respective section on the website of the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy:



Synopsis of the programme

The aim of the Master’s program is to introduce students to the latest achievements in the field of chemistry, to prepare them for the development of these achievements in the future, and for their application in various fields of life and industry. The program is not focused on specific field of chemistry but is intended to provide broader view on the current state-of-the-art in general, on the perspectives and expected new needs of society based on the Chemistry’s achievements. An essential task of the program is to stimulate independent creative thinking, analysis of problems and search for non-standard solutions for them.

The main tasks of the program are to introduce students to:

- modern methods for preparation and characterisation of different types of chemical systems;

- state of the art methods for modelling and predicting the structure and properties of chemical systems;

- chemical aspects of current and future energy needs and environmental protection;

- contribution of chemistry to human health – in pharmacy and medicine;

- specific chemical problems with perspectives for future development or potential application for improving human live (through specialized elective courses).

Substantial part of the program is devoted to the research practice and research internship on selected research problem, which will include development of a thesis under the guidance of lecturers in the program in cooperation with guest lecturers from abroad, when appropriate.

Graduates of the Master's program acquire the educational qualification degree "Master of Science" in the professional field of Chemical Sciences. After graduation from the Master”s program the specialists will have the following general competences:

- broad knowledge of modern methods in Chemistry;

- abilities for application of the current achievements of chemistry in industry and other areas of life;

- potential for research or development of new experimental and theoretical methods;

- creative thinking and ability for critical assessment of problems related to different fields of chemistry and its applications.

Holder of the Master degree in “Chemistry for the Future” will be qualified to work at expert or management level in analytical, forecasting or decision-making units of industrial, consulting or trade companies in Chemistry-related areas or in similar units of the state or municipal administrations. They can also continue their professional development in the universities or other research institutions in the country or abroad either as qualified experts or as PhD candidates.


Final examination

Public MSc thesis defense.