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11 November


History is always seen through the viewpoint of the current day; for us, the World War I was just the prelude for a much more catastrophic war. Yet, in 1918, the end of the World War I was perceived as the end of the idea for security and optimism at the turn of the XX c. The war, together with the invention of the radio, the telephone, and the cinema, was one more common denominator towards globalization.




Historians remember and remind of the facts and mark the 90th anniversary of the truce signing. The Military Museum organized an exhibition of uniforms, weapons, and military equipment. Trumpets in memoriam of the victims, to some estimations about 40 billion, marked the memory for the right moment of the truce signing: 11:11 on 11.11.2008.


Books from the library of the Faculty of History were shown in the South Wing, and students gave out cards of the symbol of the World War I: the poppy, with the announce ‘Let’s not forget!’ on them.

