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Honorary Insignia awards for the University librarians were given by the Academic Council

Dr Anna Angelova

The Rector, Prof. Ivan Ilchev, awarded the First Degree Honorary Insignia to the Director of Sofia University Library, Dr. Anna Angelova; the Second Degree Honorary Insignia to the Head of the Philology Branch, Mrs Ivanka Gaydarska, and the Honorary Diploma to the librarian of the same branch, Mrs Madlen Popcheva.

Dr Anna Angelova, Mrs Ivanka Gaydarska and Mrs Madlen Popcheva received the awards in acknowledgement of their exceptional contribution in the realization of the project "Renovation, modernization and energy saving measures, Sofia University Rectorate" № BG161PO001/1.1-07/2009/008, under the funding scheme BG161PO001/1.1-07/2009, OP Regional Development 2007–2013. The funding was used for renovation of 1000 m2 of Sofia University Library repository, a complete renovation and modernization of the repository and the reading hall of the Philology library, energy saving measures and improved access for people with disabilities.

Dr. Anna Angelova, the Director of Sofia University Library, thanked on behalf of all awarded librarians and noted that this is the first awarding of librarians before the Academic Council. She also thanked Prof. Karagyozov, Faculty of Slavic Studies, who initiated the awarding, and all her colleagues librarians.

After having the library catalogue transferred into an electronic one, the Library already possesses 914 000 library annotations, which is an extremely important resource, as Dr. Angelova noted.