Home / The University / Faculties / Faculty of Theology / Degree Programmes / Master's Degree Programmes / Faculty of Theology

Faith and Life

Head: Asst. Prof. Dimo Penkov, PhD

Theology Sources and Тradition

Head: Assoc. Prof. Ekaterina Damyanova

Lithurgy and Music

Head: Asst. Prof. Deacon Ivan Ivanov, PhD

Religion and Еducation

Head: Assoc. Prof. Bozhidar Andonov, PhD

Contemporary Aspects of Theology

Head: Assoc. Prof. Pavel Pavlov, PhD


Head: Assoc. Prof. Pavel Pavlov, PhD

Church social work

Prof. Albena Chavdarova, Dr. Habil. – Faculty of Pedagogy
Prof. Bozhidar Andonov, PhD – Faculty of Theology