Orientation and educational purposes
Political consulting is a master program whose purpose is to introduce in a pragmatic way the nature of the consulting and advisory activity, through the instrumentation available to political science. This course comes to show the necessity of a practical master degree program, aimed at training political scientists and experts in other fields, in the technologies of the functioning of the political institutions – in Bulgaria, but also in the European Union, Russia and the USA. The basis for that practical training is the necessary theoretical preparation, which is lined with the integration of subjects designed to help students acquire the necessary skills for their successful realization in the consulting and advisory activity. The master program offers the following fundamental interdisciplinary components – political theory (political parties, political institutions, systems, ideologies, etc.), political consulting and communication (lobbyism, communications, management, medias and advising political leaders), practical part – exercises, seminars, simulations of real processes of the contemporary political life.
Learning (knowledge and skills necessary for successful professional activity, total theoretical preparation and special training, etc.).
The duration of studies in the master’s program is 3 semesters and is completed with a master thesis.
Total theoretical preparation. During their studies students should be familiar with:
- Fundamental concepts and theories in the political theory;
- Fundamental political systems and institutions;
- Main political parties and movements;
- Elections and types of election systems;
- Political theories concerning European integration;
- Main political ideologies;
- Consulting and advising political leaders in political parties and state institutions;
Special training – courses giving specific professional expertise:
- Lobbyism and pressure groups;
- Organizational management in politics;
- Political image;
- Political consulting;
- In-depth preparation in the area of the technologies of political decisions;
- Preparation and management of projects;
Participation in different forms requiring independent work, and developing good team-working skills
- Participation in a scientific conference;
- Academic practice;
- Simulation games;
- Academic publication;
Professional competence
- Detailed and in-depth understanding of the technologies of political decisions;
- Knowledge of the institutions’ work and the levels of interaction in decision taking and imposition of politics;
- Ability to practice consultancy activity concerning interaction with state institutions and political actors;
- Knowledge and skills in building networks – working with civil organizations, media and others;
- Abilities regarding coordination of campaign processes and project management;
Students that choose the possibility to further develop their abilities through the ‘Political consulting’ master program receive the opportunity to enter into the details of the political system and institutions – at a national and European level. This would grant them the advantage of being among the most well prepared experts in the sphere of political consultations, which suggests work with political actors, interaction with consultancy networks, work in political cabinets in the Council of Ministers, the national assembly and the high levels of the administration as a whole. The master’s program deepens the institutional analysis, develops the skills for understanding the political technologies and the social processes at local, national and supranational level. The master’s program forms political and psychological abilities in the specific activity of consultation and advising of political leaders.