Educational objectives:
The educational mission of the program is to give students theoretical and applied knowledge in the field of media, communication and culture. The innovation of this master’s program in academic plan consists in looking for intersections between the fields of contemporary media research: theory of communication, the media as element of the democratic public sphere, cultural studies and issues of intercultural dialogue.
The program focusses on the relationship between communication theory and cultural studies with anthropological research, different methods of discourse analysis, media studies and cultural anthropology, the role of the media in establishing various forms of identity (group, collective, professional, cultural, national identity, etc.), with popular culture, cultural and creative industries. Another major thematic range advocated by the program examines the links between the media and the social and political economies of society: from local TV stations and the advertising market to multimedia products, online media and offline markets, the effects of the digital turn on the ongoing mediatisation of culture.
Professional Qualifications
The training offered in the Master’s program on “Media, Communication, Culture” aims to help students build the following competences:
- Systematic in-depth knowledge of the structure and functioning of public and private media, ways of financing the media and specialized media in culture, laws and regulations in the media field;
- Analyses and expertise in media phenomena and processes;
- Representations of power, minority groups, identities and national cultural values in the media;
- Needs assessment, products and services in the field of media and culture, and their social impact on different groups and communities;
- Preparation and management of cultural projects related to media;
- Monitoring and evaluation of cultural projects related to media;
- Advertising of cultural and media products.
Professional Realization
Students who have successfully completed the program can work as researchers and professionals in the field of media. The area where they can find positions encompasses public and regional administration, the civil society sector, various institutions in the field of media, communications and the creative industries.