Home / The University / Faculties / Faculty of History / History / Introduction


Mission, vision, aims and objectives

1504 Sofia, 15 Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd.

Phone: (+359 2) 987 62 92
(+359 2) 9308 223
Fax: (+359 2) 946 30 22

The Faculty of History includes seven departments: History of Bulgaria; History of Byzantium and the Balkans; Ancient History, Thracian Studies and Medieval History; Early Modern and Modern History; Archeology; Ethnology; Archives and Applied Historical Studies. There are about 1700 students at the Faculty in the Bachelor's and Master's programmes, full-time and part-time studies. The Faculty of History has over 70 doctoral students as well as a lot of international students. There is a Teacher Qualification as optional.

There are five Bachelor's Degrees at the Faculty of History in: History (full-time and part-time studies); Archeology, Ethnology, History and Geography, Archives and Document Studies - full-time studies only.