Home / The University / Faculties / Faculty of Economics and Business Administration / News / The trainings were held under the project "Incubators for innovative enterprises - Vratsa", co-organized by FEBA




During the past weekend, the trainings under the project "Incubators for innovative enterprises Vratsa" took place. The main goal of the project is to stimulate the partnership between young entrepreneurs in the country through innovative training approaches (simulations, role-playing games, physical and digital collaboration, etc.).


The Fund of Funds and the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (FEBA) of SU "St. Kliment Ohridski" presented to the mayor of the municipality of Vratsa - Kalin Kamenov, the implementation of the project with young entrepreneurs from the city.

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Prof. Tsvetan Davidkov and Assoc. Prof. Savina Mihailova presented the master's programs of FEBA in the field of entrepreneurship, including in the field of public resource management.