Home / The University / Faculties / Faculty of Economics and Business Administration / News / The monograph “Modern problems of accounting. The accounting profession” by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eleonora Stancheva-Todorova was published




The monograph “Contemporary Issues in Accounting. The Accounting Profession” of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eleonora Stancheva-Todorova was published by the University Publishing House “St. Kliment Ohridski”.


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eleonora Stancheva-Todorova is a lecturer in the “Finance and Accounting” department of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. Since 2015, she has been director of the master's program “Accounting and Auditing”, which is accredited by the international professional organization ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants). Her research interests are in accounting theory, financial accounting, international standardization of corporate reporting, application of technological innovation in accounting and sustainability reporting.

The monograph addresses a wide range of issues related to the current state and future development of the accounting profession. The necessary knowledge and skills imposed by the transformation of companies in the context of Industry 4.0 are analyzed and the profile of the modern accountant is outlined. The impact on the profession of several technological advances – big data and data analytics, artificial intelligence, machine learning and blockchain technology – is explored in more depth. Perspectives on the future role and functions of accountants in organizations seeking to create long-term sustainable value and increase competitiveness through the implementation of technological innovation are revealed. The future development trends regarding the necessary new work competencies are outlined. Issues related to the ethical implementation of these innovations in practice, as well as the ethical behavior of accounting professionals, also fall within the scope of this wide-ranging study.

The monograph is intended for a wide range of readers, as it explores current issues related to the current and future transformations of the accounting profession. It would be useful reading for both accounting professionals and accounting students who want to familiarize themselves with the new career opportunities and employers' requirements for accounting graduates.