Home / The University / Faculties / Faculty of Economics and Business Administration / News / Martin Georgiev, Head of the managing committee at ATEB, held his first online guest – lecture within the master’s program “Energy Markets & Services”




Master’s program “Energy Markets & Services” hosted the first online guest - lecture from business within the course “Management of energy and utility companies”. Martin Georgiev, working for the Association of Traders with Electricity in Bulgaria (ATEB) and procurator of Alpiq Energy Bulgaria, talked about regional and national energy markets.




The guest – lecture was made via Zoom Meeting and included PhD students and FEBA’s alumni from the master’s program “Energy markets & services”


During the lecture, Martin Georgiev discussed with the participants current topics concerning the electricity markets in Bulgaria and the EU.


Master’s program “Energy markets & services” continues its active learning process with upcoming guest-lectures from the business.