Home / The University / Faculties / Faculty of Economics and Business Administration / News / Invitation: Meeting of FEBA’s students and faculty with MBA students from the University of Victoria in Canada







From May 29 to June 7 a group of students and professors from the University of Victoria, Canada will visit Sofia. The students are managers in the middle of their careers and are taking part in a new, specially designed MBA program for TELUS Corporation, Canada.


On May 30, from 10:00 to 12:00, Hall 417 of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration will host a meeting of students from the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration with students from Canada. Participants in the meeting, besides Canadian students and professors, will be undergraduate andpost-graduate students from the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration at St. Kliment Ohridski University, (and some from the UNWE); professors from FEBA and UNWE as well as invited business specialists.


The focus is going to be on innovative technologies in modern business, more specifically on two sub-branches - blockchain and data science. This is the first event within the program and is more about acquaintance with the environment in Bulgaria.


Short presentations will be made by:


Vladislav Dramaliev (Sofia Crypto Meetup, Aeternity)


Petar Nikolov (aiSolvers, a specialist in machine learning / blockchain / quantum computing)


Representative of LimeChain


Alexandra Korcheva (researcher on Blockchain Governance)


Angel Marchev (UNWE, Data Science Society)


Alexander Efremov (Analytics 4 Everyone, Technical University Sofia)


Together with the managers of the Telus office in Sofia the Canadian university has put together a program and some projects for the students during their stay in Bulgaria. The projects are academic but they also have the aim to present Telus with some practical ideas. The projects are digitiziation-oriented and can be applied by the Telus international branches, but also in Romania, when contacting clients and in internal operations.


While in Sofia, the group will also try to become acquanted and gain understanding about the overall business context of the international companies in Bulgaria and the EU. They are going to attend lectures on economics, the labour market, the legal and regulatory framework.


Director of Telus MBA is Deborah Wickins, Gustavson School of Business, University of Victoria