Home / The University / Faculties / Faculty of Economics and Business Administration / News / Dr Graham Manville of Norwich Business School, University of Easts Anglia visits University of Sofia on an Erasmus International Teaching Exchange in June 2015




University of Sofia Erasmus International Teaching Exchange June 2015

By Dr Graham Manville


This year is the second year of the UEA/NBS Erasmus link with Bulgaria’s Leading university, the University of Sofia, St Kliment Ohridski.


Graham established this linkage during his time at the University of Southampton after meeting an academic in an informal networking session in a conference in Vicenza, Italy in 2009. He was soon introduced to the founding Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (FEBA), Professor Chobanov, the current Vice Dean of the faculty, Associate Professor Teodor Sedlarski & Associate Professor Miroslava Hristova, the MBA Course Director. Since joining UEA in 2013 he has maintained the relationship whilst handing over to colleagues in Southampton. Professor Lorraine Warren, from Southampton University attended their annual Entrepreneurship conference in 2013.


This year Graham made three presentations to colleagues and PhD students at FEBA. Two lectures were related to his research into Leadership and Housing Associations. One of his papers: The “Bedroom Tax, Benefit Reform and Localism: Leadership Challenges in Housing Associations within England and Wales” has recently been presented at the European Institute for Advances in Management (EIASM) 10th Third Sector Conference at the University of Edinburgh last month.


His third lecture was about the new UEA Enterprise Centre and the potential collaborations between NBS and Adapt Low Carbon Group such as the business breakfast series.


Graham also discussed exciting possibilities for collaboration on EU Horizon and Interreg bids between NBS and Adapt Low Carbon Group. In addition he plans on learning more about their international student society AISEC which would be very beneficial to our student societies and the UEA Bulgarian Society . Professor Chobanov and Teodor Sedlarski plan on visiting NBS in November during Global Entrepreneurship week when they will have an opportunity to meet other colleagues from NBS and UEA. Graham aims to develop a stronger relationship with UEA and Sofia University to stimulate entrepreneurship by a tripartite relationship between the UEA Enterprise Centre, NBS and Sofia Universities nascent Hi –Tech Business Centre.



Graham with Teodor in the Vice Dean’s Office. Left to Right: Dr Graham Manville and Professor Teodor Sedlarski.


Professor Sedlarski is the primary link between Sofia University & the University of Harvard’s Business School Course on Strategy and Competitiveness. This requires him to visit Harvard Business School in the USA once a year and he is pictured below, next to arguably one of the world’s most eminent thought leaders on competitive strategy, Professor Michael Porter.





Teodor on his annual visit to Harvard Business School. Left to right: Professor Michael Porter, Professor Theodor Sedlarski, Dr Christian Ketels.


Source: Norwich Business School Blog