On 30 September at the Metropolitan Hotel Sofia started the International Specialized Seminar on Energy Diplomacy which the Diplomatic Institute organized for the 8th year in a row. The seminar was oriented towards the Western Balkans, the Black Sea region and the members of EU and for a second consecutive year it was held within the framework of the Official Development Assistance of Bulgaria.
On the first day of the seminar, the Vice-dean of the Faculty of the Economics and Business Administration and head of the Energy Markets and Services Master`s Program delivered a lecture on the topic of „Clean Energy Package perspectives from Southeast Europe. Energy balances, Energy security, and Energy diplomacy”. He presented the opportunities for studying Energy Economy at SU “St. Kliment Ohridski”.
In this year`s edition of the specialized seminar there were 50 participants from 23 countries from Europe, USA and Asia. The lecturers - leading experts in energy and international relations - represented different academic organizations and brain trusts in Bulgaria and Europe.
At the opening the director of the Diplomatic Institute, Tanya Mihaylova, emphasized the fact that the seminar is an illustration of the interdisciplinary nature of contemporary diplomacy and foreign policy. She briefly presented the priorities of the Institute and the topics to be covered during the one-week seminar - energy challenges, EU energy policy, issues related to oil and gas supply, energy efficiency and energy security, significant energy projects.