On June 8, from 16:00 to 17:30, a guest lecture was held by Dr. Boyko Nitzov on “Introduction to gas infrastructure economics: pipelines, LNG”, as part of the lectures in the master's program "Energy Markets and Services".
During the lecture, Dr. Nitzov touched on the physical aspects of the topic, focusing on:
- who is who in this business;
- Unit LTMC and STMC of gas supply-side;
- production function of the gas pipeline - sensitivity factors, scale effects;
- Unit LTMC and STMC on gas pipeline;
- from unit LTMC and STMC to regulatory solutions for gas transportation;
A comparative analysis of LNG against pipeline solutions to the gas transportation task was also made, addressing the risks of cross-border gas transportation and the general framework of available risk mitigation tools. During his speech, Dr. Nitzov made regional comparisons on the sub-topics of North America, Europe, Asia (Japan, Korea, China).
For the lecturer:
Dr. Boyko Nitzov has served as the Team Leader for gas infrastructure development at the Gas Department of the European Union's Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators in Ljubljana, the Director of Programs at the Eurasia Center of the Atlantic Council in Washington, D.C., the Senior Investment Expert at the Energy Charter Secretariat in Brussels, and the Associate Director of the Institute for Energy Economics and Policy at Sarkeys Energy Center of the University of Oklahoma. He has also held positions in universities in Bulgaria and in the United States.
Dr. Nitzov’s interest is in energy sector policies and regulation, energy transition, energy security, investment climate, options for natural gas utilization, oil and gas resources development, oil and gas pipelines, and underground natural gas storage. Dr. Nitzov has extensive experience in his areas of interest in the U.S., Europe, North Africa, Central Asia, the Caucasus, Northeast and Southeast Asia. Dr. Nitzov received his Ph.D. in economics in Bulgaria with a thesis on Arab oil and development (1987) and continued his postgraduate studies in economics, business and entrepreneurship at the University of Arizona in 1990-1991 (off campus).