Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski announces competitions for academic positions for
Professor in professional field:
- 2.1. Philology (Contemporary french literature) - one for the needs of Faculty of Classical and Modern Philology;
- 4.6. Informatics and computer science (Software technologies – Data intensive software platforms) - one for the needs of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics;
- 2.1. Philology (Theory and history of literature- Theory of literature) - one for the needs of Faculty of Slavic Studies;
- 4.3. Biological sciences (Ecology and ecosystems protection – ecology of microorganisms) - one for the needs of Faculty of Biology,
Associate Professors in professional field:
- 3.6. Law (Administrative law and administrative process) - one one for the needs of Faculty of Law;
- 2.1. Philology (English grammar and historical linguistics) - one for the needs of Faculty of Classical and Modern Philology;
- 4.5. Mathematics (Mathematical logic) - one for the needs of Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics;
- 1.3. Pedagogy of education (of Mathematics) - one for the needs of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics;
- 4.1. Physical sciences (Electrical, optical and magnetic properties of condensed matter physics) - one for the needs of Faculty of Physics;
- 4.3. Biological sciences (Mcrobiology - general microbiology and biology of extreme microorganisms) - one for the needs of Faculty of Biology,
Senior Assistant Professors in a professional field:
- 3.8. Economics (Economics and management of innovations in english and bulgarian langiuage) – one, half-staff for the needs of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration;
- 3.8. Economics (Energy and sustainability economics in bulgarian, english and german) - one for the needs of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration;
- 1.2. Pedagogy (Theory of education and didactics) - one for the needs of Faculty of Educational Studies and the Arts;
- 2.1. Philology (Contemporary korean language and society) - one for the needs of Faculty of Classical and Modern Philology;
- 2.1. Philology (Linguistics. Phonetics and phonology(English)) - one for the needs of Faculty of Classical and Modern Philology;
- 7.4. Public Health (Occupational therapy) - one for the needs of the Faculty of Medicine;
- 7.4. Public Health (Kinesitherapy) - one for the needs of the Faculty of Medicine;
- 4.3. Biological sciences (Botany – higher plants systematics) - one for the needs of Faculty of Biology; ,
all with a deadline for submission of documents 2 months from the publication in the State Gazette.
The list of the necessary documents is defined in the Regulations for the conditions and the order for acquiring scientific degrees and holding academic positions in Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski ” .
Documents are submitted to the Human Resources Department, Information Center,
Room 2, Rectorate, 15 Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd., Sofia 1504,
phone: (+359 2) 986 11 83