Home / News / Competitions / Academic positions / Archive / Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” announces competitions for academic positions, announced in State gazette, issue 30 of 15.04.2022



Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski announces competitions for academic positions for


Professor in professional field:

  • 7.3. Pharmacy (Social medicine and organization healthcare аnd pharmacy) - one for the needs of Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy;
  • 2.1 Philology (Phonetics and phonology (English)) - one for the needs of Faculty of Classical and Modern Philology;
  • 3.8. Economics (Microeconomics, Macroeconomics and International Economics in Bulgarian and French) - one for the needs of Faculty of Economics and Business Administration;


Associate Professors in professional field:

  • 4.3. Biological sciences (Biochemistry) - one for the needs of Faculty of Biology;
  • 4.5 Mathematics (Mathematical Analysis) - one for the needs of Mathematics and informatics;
  • 4.1. Physical sciences (General relativity and relativistie astrophysics) - one for the needs of Faculty of Physics
  • 3.8. Economics (Coporate sustainability and responsibility - in Bulgarian and English language) - one for the needs of Faculty of Economics and Business Administration;
  • 3.8. Economics ((Statistics, Econometrics and Economic Modelling (in Bulgarian and English)) - one for the needs of Faculty of Economics and Business Administration;
  • 3.8. Economics (Application of Information Technologies to Finance and Economics (Financial Crises and Fintech)) - one for the needs of Faculty of Economics and Business Administration;
  • 3.2. Psychology (Work Psychology) - one for the needs of Faculty of Philosophy;
  • 3.6. Law (Criminal law) - one for the needs of Faculty of law,


all with a deadline for submission of documents 2 months from the publication in the State Gazette.


The list of the necessary documents is defined in the Regulations for the conditions and the order for acquiring scientific degrees and holding academic positions in Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski ” .


Documents are submitted to the Human Resources Department, Information Center,

Room 2, Rectorate, 15 Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd., Sofia 1504,

phone: (+359 2) 986 11 83

Reception hours from 3 pm to 5 pm.

Documents can also be submitted electronically at: www.uni-sofia.bg .