Home / The University / History / University Symbols / Rector's Аttributes / The Rector's sceptre


The sceptre is the symbol of masculinity, power and strength. In the academic ritual the sceptre is a symbol of the Rector's power and dignity.

On 24th May, 1936 (the Day of St Cyril and Methodius), Sir Edward Boyle delivered to the Sofia University Rector an exact replica of the 200-year old Oxford University sceptre. The act was attended by state officials, and was made possible with the explicit permit of Oxford University Chancellor Lord Halifax and the Rector Lindce. This act was a result of the authority gained by the first Bulgarian University. This sceptre is part of the collection of Sofia University Museum.

In 1984 a new sceptre is designed, as an embodiment of Bulgarian educational traditions. The upper part represents the Sofia University Patron St Kliment Ohridski with a feather and a book in his hands. The stem consists of the obligatory rings, the symbol of power and dignity. The designer is Stavri Kalinov, who has had a number of exhibitions worldwide.