Home / The University / Faculties / Faculty of Economics and Business Administration / News / UniCredit Bulbank, partner of FEBA, and Blazhka Dimitrova from the master’s program “Responsible and Sustainable Governance” with prizes from PwC's ESG Awards




On November 22, the first “ESG Awards”, organized by PwC, took place. More than 70 companies participated in the first edition of the competition, and the “ESG Award” distinction is awarded to organizations that implement an effective ESG strategy, offer innovative products and services with a positive impact on the environment, and conduct successful information and promotional campaigns in the field of sustainability. development.


In the categories “Corporate educational program” and “Corporate leader in sustainability”, the awards were won by UniCredit Bulbank, of which The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration is an academic partner.


Blazhka Dimitrova, Zero Waste, a student in the master’s program “Responsible and Sustainable Governance” at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, supervised by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Marina Stefanova, was also awarded, and the prize was presented to her in the category “Inspirational for Sustainable Development”.


The management and team of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration congratulates our partners from UniCredit Bulbank, as well as Mrs. Dimitrova, on their well-deserved awards, and thank them for their contribution on the way to sustainable development and the implementation of ESG!