The Statistics and Econometrics Department of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, launches a seminar in economic modelling.
The seminar aims at providing a platform for presentation and discussion of problems and results that could lead to high-quality publications.
The eligible topics have to match at least one of the following:
- Recent developments in modern theory and practice which are not popular enough in the curricula of Bulgarian universities, and which can additionally aid the training of PhD and Master students in the area of economic modelling.
- Reviews and discussions related to the possibilities to produce novelties on the basis of existing scientific knowledge in the area of economic modelling.
- Original theoretical and empirical works concerning the application of mathematics, statistics, and information technology in modelling social and economic phenomena and processes.
Requests to participate are accepted from both PhD students and other researchers from academia and industry who work in the field of theoretical and empirical economic modelling.
Every presentation will be matched by a review prepared by an official discussant. The latter will take the responsibility to read all materials beforehand and to make critical notes and recommendations on the topic presented.
The seminar will be held in an electronic video conferencing environment. The concrete platform and the links to forthcoming sessions will be announced at least one week beforehand.
To participate, please send an email containing a short bio of the presenter as well as the title and a brief description of the topic to: k_ganev@feb.uni-sofia.bg
We also invite to join representatives of academia who would be willing to support the seminar in terms of organizing and holding it, incl. in the role of discussants.