Home / The University / Faculties / Faculty of Economics and Business Administration / News / Sofia University has launched a partnership with Coursera and provides access to online courses




In order to improve the educational opportunities for both students and professors, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” has launched a partnership with Coursera – the world's leading online learning platform.


Every student, lecturer and employee at Sofia University has access to online courses at Coursera in addition to the resources offered for study at the University. Every student, lecturer or employee of the University can register for courses using his / her e-mail, ending on “uni-sofia.bg” (including “feb.uni-sofia.bg” or “feba.uni-sofia.bg”).

After registering with your university email at Coursera, you can take advantage of over three thousand free courses offered by universities such as Yale, University of Michigan and others, as well as by companies such as Google, IBM, etc.

Anyone who enrolls according to the instructions by 30.09.2020 and successfully completes a course by 30.11.2020 will be able to receive a free certificate for the completed course.

A complete list of all included faculties, individual units and departments can be found in the detailed instruction, showing step by step, with screens, the process of registration in the platform and enrollment in a course:



If you have any questions or need help, you can write to course@uni-sofia.bg.