The rector of the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” Prof. Anastas Gerdzhikov and the executive director of the FLAG EAD Fund Mrs. Nadia Dankinova signed a memorandum of cooperation. The event was attended by Assoc. Dr. Boryana Bogdanova, Deputy Dean of Partnerships with Business and the Graduate Student Community at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Mrs. Dora Yankova, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the FLAG EAD Fund, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Savina Mihailova-Goleminova, head of the master's program “Economics and Management of Public Resources” at FEBA and Mrs. Iva Petkova, director of the Directorate of the Fund for Sustainable Urban Development.
The agreement aims to contribute to the development of an effective exchange of knowledge, ideas and good business practices between academia, business, local authorities, public enterprises, government institutions and society. It is planned to organize and implement joint initiatives to support the quality of education for employees of the FLAG EAD Fund and local authorities, as well as for students and doctoral students at Sofia University by organizing public lectures and discussions, etc. The agreement provides for updating the curricula of the disciplines taught in the bachelor's and master's programs of the University, in accordance with the current needs of the local authorities, including the introduction of new courses and specialties, as well as providing opportunities for postgraduate qualification and training for the employees of the FLAG EAD Fund.
The signed agreement will enable the creation of training programs for employees of the FLAG EAD Fund at the Center for Educational Services of Alma Mater, as well as the holding of joint events, trainings, courses, competitions and other initiatives, joint application for projects, organization of public events to present good practices, create platforms for cooperation with other universities, integrate efforts to strengthen international cooperation with neighboring countries.