Home / The University / Faculties / Faculty of Economics and Business Administration / News / Prof. Tsvetan Davidkov participated in the traditional international scientific and practical conference on human resources management of the University of Economics - Varna




On September 30th, the University of Economics in Varna organized its traditional international scientific and practical conference on human resource management. At the invitation of the organizers Prof. D.Sc. Tsvetan Davidkov, lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, delivered a plenary report on “Value portrait of generations in Bulgarian organizations”. The scientific text is based on the results of the study “National and Organizational Cultures – 2021”.


The report generated considerable interest and discussion among participants and attendees. The identification of organizational subcultures has both theoretical and applied value – as a reference for making more justified (“working”) management and leadership decisions and enriching practices in the field of human resources management.

Recognition of the level of research at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (FEBA) is also the fact that Prof. Ph.D. Tsvetan Davidkov was recruited as a permanent member of the editorial board of the conference.