Assoc. Prof. Dr. Atanas Georgiev, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” was appointed by the Rector of the University Prof. Ph.D. Anastas Gerdjikov to represent the University in the Leadership Council of the UN International Network for Sustainable Development SDSN Black Sea, as of 2022.
The Council is attended by representatives of various universities located in Russia, Romania, Ukraine, Greece, Armenia, Serbia, as well as representatives of various organizations.
The vision of SDSN Black Sea is to unite the people of the wider area under one goal, that of sustainable development. People coming from different countries, using different languages, with different background, different social, cultural and historical status, different traditions and habits, different religion, to join their forces and work together for the improvement of their lives and for ensuring a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable future. To achieve this goal people, governments, businesses and entrepreneurs will have to find common ground for collaboration, participation and implementation of the sustainable development goals.