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Forty-five participants, including young professionals, students, and doctoral candidates, completed their training in the Fifth Winter School on "Energy and Climate." The two-day course was organized by the Utilities magazine and the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (FEBA) at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski". All participants received certificates issued by the Center for Educational Services at the Faculty, presented by the Dean, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Atanas Georgiev, who is also the publisher and editor-in-chief of “Utilities”.

The training was made possible with the support of the business community, which once again backed the initiative. Thanks to this support, students and doctoral candidates were able to participate in the course free of charge. The event sponsors included CWP Global, M-Gas, Kozloduy NPP, AmonRa Energy, Kozloduy NPP - New Builds, NEK EAD, and OMV Petrom. Partner contributions came from AES Bulgaria, Vertis, Veolia, and Gugushev & Partners Law Office.


The Winter School's opening featured greetings from Assoc. Prof. Dr. Atanas Georgiev, a long-time director of the Master’s Program in "Energy Markets and Services", director of the Master’s Program in "Nuclear Technologies, Management, and Innovations" and Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration at Sofia University. Additional greetings were delivered by Stefka Mancheva from AmonRa Energy and Stoyan Manolov from M-Gas.

Traditionally, beyond serving as a training course, the school aims to connect motivated professionals in the energy sector, enabling them to exchange contacts, share knowledge, communicate informally, and engage in discussions. This year’s participants were highly active, engaging in conversations, exchanging ideas, and sharing advice and expertise both among themselves and with the lecturers during the sessions.

The Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration outlined the mission and objectives of the Faculty to the participants. He invited them to return to the Faculty as a place where they can always find like-minded individuals, knowledge, and new ideas. "Thank you for inspiring us to keep learning and improving. The doors of the Faculty are always open to you—as course participants, students, or even as lecturers", added Assoc. Prof. Dr. Atanas Georgiev.


Lecturers at the Fifth Winter School on "Energy and Climate"

  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Atanas Georgiev, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Sofia University
  • Boyan Rashev, Partner at EY Denkstatt
  • Velizar Cholakov, International Business Development Manager, HEC Solar
  • Dr. Eng. Georgi Ivanov, CERB Trafo Ltd.
  • Eng. Dimitar Stoyanov, Board Member and Representative of the Kozloduy Nuclear Competence Center Association
  • Zdravko Popov, Senior Originator, Axpo Bulgaria
  • Kaloyan Staykov, Chairman of the Board, Energy Management Institute
  • Krasimir Zhivachki, NEK EAD
  • Mariana Yaneva, Chief Operating Officer, International Power Supply (IPS)
  • Minko Radevski, Director of Digital Office, ERM Zapad
  • Dr. Pavel Sheytanov, Corporate Trader, Vertis
  • Svetoslav Benchev, Chairman of the Board, Bulgarian Petroleum and Gas Association
  • Simeon Todorov, Lead Financial Analyst, CWP Europe
  • Eng. Stoyan Manolov, Manager, M-Gas