Home / The University / Faculties / Faculty of Economics and Business Administration / Faculty Members (Departments) / Departments / Statistics and Econometrics / Lecturers - Department of Statistics and Econometrics / Assoc. Prof. Kaloyan Ganev, Ph.D.


Assoc. Prof. Kaloyan Ganev, Ph.D.


Assoc. Prof. Kaloyan Ganev has a PhD degree in Statistics and Demography.

He teaches courses such as Macroeconomic Modelling, Applied Econometrics, Time Series Analysis and Forecasting, Public Finance, etc.

His research interests are in the areas of macroeconomic modelling and forecasting and applied econometrics.

Besides in academia, he has extensive (over 20 years) practical experience in the public and the private sectors where he has taken expert, middle- and senior-management positions at the Agency for Economic Analysis and Forecasting (a body of the Minister of Finance), Raiffeisenbank EAD, and the Sigma Hat consultancy company.

Internationally he has worked as a consultant for the governments of Montenegro and Belarus.



Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Office 414

Email: k_ganev@feb.uni-sofia.bg




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