Chief Assistant Professor Mariya Trifonova, PhD
- Team member of Department Industrial Economics & Management as of March 2019 and Director of master program Energy Markets and Services
- Founder and deputy director of Net-Zero Lab
- PhD Student in the department from year 2013 to 2018
- Former EU Careers Student Ambassador, representing Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski in the period 2014-2016
- Diplom-Kauffrau graduated from University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Main research interests
- Renewable Energy Sources- system and market integration, regulations and normative frameworks, evaluation and design of support schemes, business models for technological development, social acceptance and participatory practices
- European regulatory frameworks, EU energy and climate policies, decarbonization pathways
- Energy system modelling
- Energy transitions- analytical frameworks and modelling tools
- Institutional economics, institutional analysis
Contribution to projects
- Task Lead, Researcher in project, funded by the Bulgarian Recovery and Resilience Plan
- Team Lead of BLUECEE Project and co-founder of the Black Sea Renewable Energy Coalition (link), funded by the European Climate Initiative (EUKI) of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate ActionPrivately funded: ESG Academy of Sofia University; Conducting capacity building for Bulgarian media professionals on energy prices' increase in Europe; Marine Renewable Energy Academy, among others
- Coordinator for Bulgaria of Horizon2020-funded project "Simple and Smart Energy Communities"
- Coordinator for Bulgaria of LIFE-funded project Power-E-Com
- Task Lead, Researcher of Horizon-funded projects JustWind4All (focus on wind and airborne energy)
- Team Member of Project "Scientific methodology and mathematical models for planning the development of the national energy system", funded by National Science Fund
- Team Member and STEP Index Methodologist in Horizon-funded DUST project
- Coordination and supervision of the Bulgarian participation in the EU-funded projects PV Grid and NanoPhoSolar
- Contribution to the international research project MEDEAS under the umbrella of SHAPE ENERGY and financed by H2020
- Contribution to ongoing research projects of the European Institute for Energy Research (EIFER) from 2016 to 2017
- Member of JP Energy System Integration and JP Energy Efficiency in Industrial Processes, European Energy Research Alliance (EERA)
- Member of the Executive Board & Co-Author of 2020 Edition of the World Energy Trilemma Index, Bulgarian World Energy Council Committee
- Member of the Academic Sounding Board and Author of Knowledge Pieces, Cohesion for Transition Community of Practice (DG Regio, European Commission)
- Member of the Steering Committee, Co-Author of Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for the European Wind Industry, European Technology and Innovation Platform (ETIP) Wind
- SPC working group member of the EU Mission Adaptation to Climate Change
- Deputy Chairperson of the Energy Transition Commission under the supervision of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Bulgaria
- Member of the Just Transition Platform Working Groups on Stakeholder Engagement and Equal Opportunities (DG Regio, European Commission)
- Member of Sustainability Transitions Research Network (STRN)
Teaching lectures for graduates:
- Renewable sources of energy and bio fuels (MA program, lecture)
- Sustainable governance of energy systems (MA program, lecture)
- Energy System Modelling (MA program, lecture)
- Natural Capital Management. Green and Circular Economy (MA program, lecture)
- Environmental Economics (Bsc program, lecture, in English)
- Money, banking and financial markets (Bsc. programs, tutorial)
- Einführung in die BWL (Bsc program, lecture, in German)
For more information (CV): download
email: (responding to emails in Bulgarian, English, German)
ResearchGate: Mariya Trifonova
Consultation Hours: online by arrangement