Home / The University / Faculties / Faculty of Economics and Business Administration / Degree Programmes / Bachelor's Degree Programmes / Faculty of Economics and Business Administration / Business Administration / Business Administration (English) - Curriculum / German as a Second Foreign Language - 2 year





Status: Required course

Period: Second year, First and second semesters

ECTS credits: 6

Class hours: 90 lectures

Language: German

Requirements: Students choose one second foreign language from French, German, Italian or Spanish

Prerequisites: Completed German 1 course


Course content:

It is a general German language course for students who have completed German 1 course. The course objectives are to build long lasting skills for written and oral communication in a correct consistent with the grammar rules language and to teach students to use professional texts on their own.

The course aims to provide students with basic command of everyday topics (oral and written) including command of basic grammar and of about 4000 most commonly used lexical items. At the end of the course students should be able to easily participate in conversations on everyday and professional topics, use without difficulty with the help of a dictionary professional texts.

The course includes the following topics: Geschichte und Geschichten, Männer und Frauen, Natur und Umwelt, Konsum, Raststätte, Testtraining.

The literature used is:

  • Berliner Platz 3
  • Grammatik für Deutschlerner
  • Lehr- und Übungsbuch der deutschen Grammatik
  • Deutsche Übungsgrammatik
  • Schwerpunkte der deutschen Grammatik