Home / The University / Faculties / Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy / Structures / Departments / Physical Chemistry / Lecturers / Professor Dr. Galia Madjarova


Email: fhgm@chem.uni-sofia.bg

Phone: + 359 2 8161431


1995 - M.Sc., Chemical Physics and Theoretical Chemistry, University of Sofia, Bulgaria

1999 - PhD in Theoretical Chemistry, University of Sofia, Bulgaria

2001 - Assistant Professor at the Department of Physical Chemistry, Sofia University

2006 - Senior Assistant Professor at the Department of Physical Chemistry, Sofia University

2013 - Associate Professor at the Department of Physical Chemistry, Sofia University

2022 - Professor at the Department of Physical Chemistry, Sofia University

2019-2023 - Vice-dean for education of the M.Sc. program “Pharmacy”

2024 - Head of the department of Physical Chemistry, Sofia University



Bachelor level

Structure of matter, Quantum Chemistry and Molecular Mechanics

Molecular modelling of functional materials

Master program: Pharmacy

Physical and Colloidal Chemistry 1

Master program: Computational Chemistry

Applied Computational Chemistry

Textbooks and Teaching Aids

E-lectures (in Bulgarian) for the BSc and MSc levels


Research periods abroad:

2000 Post-doc position at the Institute for Fundamental Chemistry, Kyoto, Japan;

Host: Prof. Tokyo Yamabe

2004 STSM at the Institute for Chemistry of Surfaces and Interfaces, Mulhouse, France;

Host: Prof. Dr. Natalia Gospodinova

2015 Post-doc position at the Max Planck Institute for Microstructure Physics, Halle, Germany;

Host: Prof. Eberhard Gross


Research interests:

Theoretical studies of:

  • Magnetic properties of Heusler alloys as an alternative to rare-earth free permanent magnets;
  • Electronic structure of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons with and without defects;
  • Мolecular level study of ligand-receptor complex interactions and drug delivery systems,
  • Application of machine learning methods in the search for new materials.


ORCID: 0000-0002-6786-2719

Scopus Author ID: 6602638896

Web of Science ResearcherID: A-9124-2013


Contact information:

Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, Sofia University

1 J. Bourchier Blvd., Sofia 1164, BULGARIA

Email: fhgm@chem.uni-sofia.bg

Phone: + 359 2 8161431