| Email: fhjp@chem.uni-sofia.bg Phone: + 359 2 8161431 Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, Sofia University 1 J. Bourchier Blvd., Sofia 1164, BULGARIA |
2012 PhD in Theoretical Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, Sofia University, Bulgaria
2008 M. Sc., Computational Chemistry, Sofia University, Bulgaria
2007 B. Sc., Chemistry and Informatics, Sofia University, Bulgaria
Professional Experience
2014 – Senior Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Chemistry, Sofia University
2013 – 2014 – Post-doc, Chimie ParisTech, Paris, France
Theoretical chemistry, Structure of matter, Molecular modelling of functional materials, Physical and colloidal chemistry (core B. Sc. courses)
Molecular design, Quantum chemistry (elective B. Sc. courses)
Physical and colloidal Chemistry 1 (seminars, core course - M. Sc. Pharmacy)
Term project, Applied Computational Chemistry (core courses - M. Sc. Computational chemistry)
Textbooks and Teaching Aids
E-lectures and seminars (in Bulgarian) for the BSc level
Co-Organized Symposia and Workshops
15th deMon Developers Workshop, Sofia, 2015
Research periods abroad
2012 Research grant of HPC-Europa 2, Chimie ParisTech, Paris, France, 3 months
2012 Research grant of the Ministry of Bulgarian Science and Education, co-financed by EU within the OP “Human Resources”, Project BG051PO001-3.3.05-0001 “Science and Business”, University of Copenhagen, Nano-Science Center, Denmark, 1 month
2010 ERASMUS Grant for studying abroad, Institut de Science des Matériaux de Mulhouse, Mulhouse, France, 3 months
Research interests
Application of quantum chemical methods for investigation of the structure and optical properties of organic molecules and molecular clusters; characterization of intermolecular interactions. Theoretical investigation of the binding mechanism and formation of ligand-receptor complexes.
- COST Action CA21101 Confined Molecular Systems: from a New Generation of Materials to the Stars (COSY), 2022-2026 (participant)Drug-peptide vectors: efficiency through knowledge, National Science Fund of Bulgaria, 2016-2019 (participant)
- Project - University of Sofia (80-10-94 /15.04.2019) Theoretical investigation of water absorption on the properties of conducting polyaniline (coordinator)
Scientific publications
- E. N. Schaber, N. Ivanova, S. Iliev, J. Petrova, G. Gocheva, G. Madjarova, A. Ivanova
Initial Stages of Spontaneous Binding of Folate-Based Vectors to Folate Receptor-α Observed by Unbiased Molecular Dynamics
Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2021, 125, 7598-7612
- G. Gocheva, N. Ivanova, S. Iliev, J. Petrova, G. Madjarova, A. Ivanova
Characteristics of a Folate Receptor-alpha Anchored into a Multilipid Bilayer Obtained from Atomistic Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 2020, 16, 749-764
- J. Petrova, G. Gocheva, N. Ivanova, S. Iliev, B. Atanasova, G. Madjarova, A. Ivanova
Molecular simulation of the structure of folate and antifolates at physiological conditions,
Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling, 2019, 87, 172-184
- J. Petrova, A. Ivanova, A. Tadjer
Density functional theory assessment of the environment polarity effect on polyaniline-water coupling
Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2017, 121, 6327-6335