| Education: 2022 Bachelor of chemistry, Sofia university St. Kliment Ohridski 2024 M.Sc. in Computational Chemistry, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski
Awards and scholarships: 2020г. Recipient of the scholarship „Akad. Rostislav Kaishev” awarded by Eureka foundation 2019г. Bronze medal from the Computational mathematics olympiad „Akad. Stefan Dodunekov” |
Research visits abroad:
2022 г. Visit in the research group of Jr. prof. Pascal Friederich in Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Membership in administrative organisations:
Since 2019: Faculty student council of the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy
Научни интереси:
- Theoretical calculation of the electrode potential of organic molecules
- Combinatorial generation of new molecular structures
- Employing machine learning methods for high-throughput screening
- Iliev, Stoyan, Sonya Tsibranska, Ilia Kichev, Slavka Tcholakova, Nikolai Denkov, and Anela Ivanova. 2023. "Computational Procedure for Analysis of Crystallites in Polycrystalline Solids of Quasilinear Molecules" Molecules 28, no. 5: 2327. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules28052327
- Kichev, Ilia, Lyuben Borislavov, and Alia Tadjer. "Automated generation of molecular derivatives–DerGen software package." Materials Today: Proceedings 61 (2022): 1287-1291.
- Nedyalkova, Miroslava, Sergio Madurga, Davide Ballabio, Ralitsa Robeva, Julia Romanova, Ilia Kichev, Atanaska Elenkova, and Vasil Simeonov. "Diabetes mellitus type 2: Exploratory data analysis based on clinical reading." Open Chemistry 18, no. 1 (2020): 1041-1053.
Email: ikichev@uni-sofia.bg
Тел: +359 02 8161 276
Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, Sofia University,
1 J. Bourchier Blvd., 1164 Sofia, BULGARIA