- 2024 Masters in Computational Chemistry in Sofia University
- 2022 Bachelor in Chemistry in Sofia University
Research interests:
- Quantum chemical modelling of processes occurring in rechargeable batteries
- Applying a combination of theoretical and experimental techniques to accurately characterize lithium-ion and post-lithium-ion batteries and the processes occurring in them.
Participation in scientific projects
- Since 2023: Researcher in The National Scientific Program “Vihren”, CARiM/Vihren, grant KP-06-DV-6/2019 in the Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
- Kukeva R., Kalapsazova M., Rasheev H., Vassilev. G., Tadjer A., Stoyanova R.; J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2023, 14, 43, 9633–9639,
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